I finally saw Sex and the City the movie the other night (being the excellent student that I am, I waited until after finals to go see it, even though I've been super excited about watching it since they said they'd be making a movie)! You'd think that by now, a week later, on a Thursday night no less, there won't be that many people. But no. It was a full house!
It is really hard to babble on excitedly about a movie without giving away the story line (not that it should be all that surprising - it is a chick flick after all), so *SPOILER ALERT* ahead.
The thing I love most about Sex and the City is the strong unquestionable friendship between Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha, even though they are all so different. And that continues to be the essence in the movie. Along with the fashion of course. They each have such a distinct personal style, there is something for everyone. I am loving Carrie's super Ralph Lauren outfit and Charlotte's elegant white dress.
I love these pictures of the girls enjoying themselves together. Note to self: must take more of these kind of pictures with my girl friends- including outfit! I'm not usually a fan of Miranda's style, but I thought her outfit here, with the dangly earrings is quite sophisticated and pretty.
I also quite admire Samantha's bold sense of style. Only she can carry wear green with orange and not look like a carrot.
The girls all dressed up for NY Fashion Week- front row of course. I'm curious though, as to how Charlotte can wear that (what appears to be straight cut) dress even though she's pregnant. She still looks beautiful and elegant of course, but isn't it kind of tight? Aren't pregnant women supposed to wear empire waists? And Carrie looks adorable with her bubble dress and fur shawl.
Then there was them getting ready for Carrie's wedding of course. The bride wore couture Vivienne Westwood, especially given to her by Vivienne Westwood herself, after her bridal shoot for Vogue. Personally, I didn't think the dress was that gorgeous because the bodice part didn't seem to be fitting that well.... but I guess that's couture for you. Though the other dresses she tried on in the Vogue shoot was much better. And that blue thing on her head, it is not feathers. As she mentions in the movie, it is actually a BIRD.
And I LOVE the idea of having her bridesmaids wear different but coordinating color dresses. They look awesome. Not typically bridesmaid-esque at all, since these dresses actually compliment them. And I thought it was really funny how tight the bottom of Charlotte's black dress is that she had to teeter to walk/run.
I thought the part where they retreat to Mexico to mend Carrie's broken heart was charming. Again your friends will always be there for you. It was also very funny too though. I loved how Charlotte refuses to eat anything but pudding, and even takes out pudding from her Prada bag when they go eat at a fancy restaurant, because "It's Mexico!" Of course, this just makes her reaction after accidentally swallowing bath water all the more hilarious.
Seriously though, some clothes, only the girls on the show can carry it off. Anyone else wearing such a big flower on her dress for a casual stroll in the city, I'd think she was crazy. But Carrie looks gorgeous. And I really liked the green outfit she wore when she found "heaven" with Big. Not so fond personally of the shoes though... too strappy and gladiator like. I think here, less is more.
Speaking of Big, even after so many seasons of Sex and the City, he's still a bit of a mystery to me. I got a better glimpse of his character in this movie though. He seems like a very private person and a little bit immature to me. Getting cold feet after having been through so much.... just get out of the car and go get married for godsake! I just could not fathom what he was thinking at that moment- even after they'd explained it later. But I guess if he was so perfect, there wouldn't be any drama. I did feel sorry for him though, when he turned back but was not given a chance to explain himself. Not teary though, even though a few of my friends teared up during that scene. I knew in the end he'd eventually be able to explain himself and sort this out.
Onto the side stories. Steve cheated on Miranda after having a 6 month dry spell. And for most of the movie, Miranda was unforgiving while Steve begged for forgiveness, until towards the end, they finally went to couple's therapy and realized that they loved each other and decided to give it another go. It was touching.
Samantha, one of the most dynamic characters on the show was not so dynamic in the movie. 5 years later, she'd basically turned into Smith's "behind the scene" woman. Managing his career, COOKING for him and waiting for him to come home- in LA! It was a very un-Samantha-like and she was feeling the pressure of not being herself. She was so tempted to cheat on Smith that she bought a dog instead. As much as I LOVE Smith (I STILL remember his Absolut Vodka ad), even I was thinking that it was not right, when he came home totally unappreciative of Samantha's efforts for Valentine's Day! I was glad in the end that Samantha found herself again (though I shall miss Smith....).
One of my FAVOURITE characters was Charlotte. Not just because she'd always been my favourite character simply because I identify most with her, but because even I don't remember her being so funny! She played a key comical role in this movie (probably because she didn't really have a story besides finally getting pregnant since her life is so perfect). My favourite parts were her scenes in Mexico, and towards the end, when she bumped into Big at a cafe for lunch and she told him that she "curse the day you were born!"
And as you remember, in the show finale,Charlotte adopted a Chinese girl- Lily (Alexander Fong). And she is THE MOST DARLING little Chinese girl ever (even though she hid Carrie's phone in her sparkly cupcake shaped purse). Her outfits are SO adorable too! I want my future daughter to look (and dress) exactly like her!
As for the side characters, is it just me, or did Anthony and Stanford finally get together? And then there was the new character in the show, Louise. Personally, I would've hired the banker with the pink pointy heels, but I guess Louise was the less flamboyant and more relatable choice. She played an important role in helping Carrie pick up her life after the break up and all, but I don't really feel much for her. She was not especially likeable or hateable. Though I DID like her "LOVE" keychain.
The movie left me all happy and fuzzy inside. Big proposed to her in the HUGE closet he built for her (when we first saw it, the whole cinema went "WHOA") with her diamond studded Manolo Blahniks- it was totally Carrie. And in the end, the bride got married at City Hall in a dress by a nobody and then had dinner with her best friends and their family. Sigh ........... :)
I want to watch it again!
Ps. Sorry this review is like all over the place. I just don't know where to start!
Image Source: Yahoo Movies

And I LOVE the idea of having her bridesmaids wear different but coordinating color dresses. They look awesome. Not typically bridesmaid-esque at all, since these dresses actually compliment them. And I thought it was really funny how tight the bottom of Charlotte's black dress is that she had to teeter to walk/run.

The movie left me all happy and fuzzy inside. Big proposed to her in the HUGE closet he built for her (when we first saw it, the whole cinema went "WHOA") with her diamond studded Manolo Blahniks- it was totally Carrie. And in the end, the bride got married at City Hall in a dress by a nobody and then had dinner with her best friends and their family. Sigh ........... :)
I want to watch it again!
Ps. Sorry this review is like all over the place. I just don't know where to start!
Image Source: Yahoo Movies